Create An Illusion of Bigger Eyes That Never Fail to Impress.

Oversized lenses that catch the eye in an alluring way, circle lenses are larger than your average contact lens and can range from 14.00 mm to 20.00 mm – with 20.00 mm being the largest size available. Apart from simple diameter & fusion of colors, factors like placement of the circle & also how innovative it is also plays a large role in creating a look for your eyes to make them appear larger than what they actually are by as much as 4 times!

We also have other sections like big eyes contacts , pentagram contacts, and clock contact lenses that can match your outfit, don’t forget to check these out!

Should You Try Big Eyes Circle Lenses?

The big eye contacts should now appear a bit larger by extending ranging from 16.2mm to 16.5mm and etc.

You’ll love the astonishing lineup of budget-friendly contact lens options we’ve collected in our store. Not only will our bold and trendy eye lenses have you feeling like a virtual beauty superstar, but they can help you create your very own unique fashion look! Get beautiful, big eyes today when you shop at ColorblendsUSA and get your new color contacts at up to 50% off.

Important Notes with Doll Eye Contacts

We recommend using eye drops when wearing big contact lens . We advise you not to wear contact lenses for too long a time because it could compromise the oxygen flow to your cornea and cause serious health problems. The lens will go deeper if you put a few drops of solution in them. Using contact lens solution, specially designated for it, will help you decrease irritation and increase the time you can wear your lenses.
Keeping a check on your contact lenses even if you don’t wear them every day helps keep them clean and moist. Contact lens care is important especially when they are being kept out of eyes for longer periods. It will help to always carry a spare pair in case you forget, which can happen with so much going on at various times during the day. Remember to take out your contacts and give them care, otherwise they might dry out quicker, affecting their usability until the expiry date comes up!